1. Bottle sterilizer
Just rinse and pop in the microwave for 4 minutes.
2. Nap Nanny
I didn't register for this but had some credit at a store in Monroe that I needed to use so I decided to give it a try. Aiden's digestive system had a tough time in the beginning and he really liked to sit upright for awhile after feedings so I bought it. The lady at the store told me I wouldn't regret it and I haven't. Almost every pic I take of him is while he is chillin' in the nanny.
Just pull up and change. No snaps involved. I can barely see at night I'm so sleepy. The last thing I want to do is fool around with taking pants off and on. I especially love the Magnolia Baby gowns that can be converted into pants if you want.
4. 3 Martha's Burp Cloths
The material is so thick and soft. Love them appliqued/monogrammed!
5. Little Tummy's Gas Relief Drops
I tasted these drops when some spilled on my finger because you can tell it tastes good by the way he licks his lips. It did taste like cherries. The pharmacist at Walgreens told me these were the best gas drops around and they have saved us.
6. Moms on Call
About a month before Aiden was born one of my mom's best friends told her about this. Her daughter lives in Atlanta and had used this program with her first child. It was created by 3 moms who are all R.N.'s and take call throughout the night to new mommy's who have newborn questions. It is similar to Baby Wise from what I've been told. We started it when he was 2-3 weeks old and immediately had him sleeping 5 hours when we put him down. Now Aiden is sleeping on average 7-8 hours a night. We are so blessed but I am also a big believer in Moms on Call. You can take an online course or buy the DVD. Apparently they have courses all the way up to toddler age as well.
7. Sleep Sheep-Giraffe by cloud b
Aiden loves music or noise period and part of the Moms on Call routine involved white noise. The giraffe has slightly different sounds than the sheep, white noise being one of the options. My mom does has the sheep and it has the heartbeat which is very similar and still seems to help him sleep. Set the timer to 45 minutes and you are good to go.
8. Bottle Warmer
I just got one of these 2 weeks ago. What was I thinking? Seriously, do you know how many minutes of my life I wasted standing by the sink waiting for the bottle to get warm. These things are amazing. I wasn't sure they actually worked and since I was planning on nursing I didn't think I needed one. When Aiden got put into PICU, I had to quit nursing and pump exclusively. This means everything had to be measured out and put into bottle form. I would encourage everyone to get one even if you don't think you will need it. You never know!
What have been some of your favorite "must-have?" Am I missing anything I need to get?
Aiden in the Nap Nanny